
For the longest time, I have considered luxury travel a contact sport. From building itineraries, finding suitable hotels, restaurants and leisure activities, ensuring you have a lavish travel experience takes a lot of time and research. Especially if you’ve never travelled to the said location before. Even more so, if you don’t even know which locations to travel to. Doing it alone, or without proper guidance can hinder your ability to have a memorable experience. Like any other contact sport, people employ “coaches.” This is where I come in…

I have been traveling internationally since I was three months old, and began traveling alone when I was twelve. Now, at 24, I am constantly on the move for both business and leisure. Over the years, I’ve learned the true definition of luxury travel, because I’ve been doing it my entire life. I derive my expertise from being well traveled for over two decades, but fundamentally because I’ve learned as a consumer of such travel. Simply, I know how you want to travel, because it’s how I travel.

I’ve been a paying customer at some of the finest hotels and resorts in the world. I know what to expect when embarking on a luxury experience, and what should constitute a luxury travel endeavour. My personal experience with trial and error in this industry makes me confident in the service I provide to my clients.

I decided to start MDTL because I wanted to share my knowledge of luxury travel with like minded individuals. My goal is to guide our members through building their perfect luxury travel experience. MDTL is membership based because we can only service so many members before compromising quality. More importantly, we want our membership community to consist of those who share a love for travel, regardless of business or pleasure.

Till your next trip, Michael